I've been browsing through the website and looking at the various options. I believe I've figured out which one I'm leaning toward purchasing, but the vagueness in the description confuses me. So, I figured I would try reaching out here for more support/details.
As I write this, I understand you do not provide a complete list of what is included under each package and front-end. This is understandable because of the sheer amount of lists you'd have to keep track of, and I'm sure updates to the lists are made over time.
However, when comparing similar-sized front-end packages, I have difficulty figuring out what is different besides the apparent front end. For example, when comparing 16 TB launchbox vs 16 TB hyperspin vs. 16 TB betocera. I have no idea what I'm opting into or out of based on the front end I select. Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be? Are the Roms between the similar sizes the same, and it's literally the front end that's different? Any assistance to my query would be greatly appreciated!
I've been browsing through the website and looking at the various options. I believe I've figured out which one I'm leaning toward purchasing, but the vagueness in the description confuses me. So, I figured I would try reaching out here for more support/details.
As I write this, I understand you do not provide a complete list of what is included under each package and front-end. This is understandable because of the sheer amount of lists you'd have to keep track of, and I'm sure updates to the lists are made over time.
However, when comparing similar-sized front-end packages, I have difficulty figuring out what is different besides the apparent front end. For example, when comparing 16 TB launchbox vs 16 TB hyperspin vs. 16 TB betocera. I have no idea what I'm opting into or out of based on the front end I select. Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be? Are the Roms between the similar sizes the same, and it's literally the front end that's different? Any assistance to my query would be greatly appreciated!
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